Hadis dari Aisyah bahawa Rasulullah SAW apabila menziarahi orang sakit atau orang yang menderita sakit itu didatangkan kepada baginda SAW, Baginda mengucapkan (doa yang bermaksud): "Hilangkan penyakit ini, wahai Tuhan bagi manusia, sembuhkanlah, Engkau adalah Maha Penyembuh. Tidak ada kesembuhan selain kesembuhan-Mu, kesembuhan yang tidak meninggalkan penyakit." (Riwayat al-Bukhari dalam Fathul-Bari No.5675).

Monday, May 26, 2014

New 3D/4D Ultra-Sound Scanner - SonoAce R7

Trade in the 4years old  China made Sonoscape SSI-6000 with Samsung Medison SonoAce R7
- Slim & Compact Design
- 19 Inch LCD Monitor
- Live 3D/4D
- 3DXI Diagnostic Package
Compare with Sonoscape SSi-6000, this SonoAce R7 is more sophisticated. Running on Window XP (Linux for Sonoscape) . More buttons to fiddle around ..

In early 2011 Samsung (Seoul, South Korea) acquired a 43% stake in Medison (also Seoul) and fully acquired 100% of Prosonic a Korea-based (Gyeongsangbuk-do) supplier of transducer probes and cables for ultrasound devices.
Review of SonoAce R7-  from  UltrasoundTrainers.com HERE
Examining couch with new 4D scanner + 19 in flat panel TV for patient viewer.
Next to it are ECG machine and patient vital signs monitor
Account Manager (Mr. Joe Ong - bald) ,Technician (Mr. Kumar) and Sonographer/Application Specialist (Ms Aris Ong) from LAC Medical Supplies Sdn. Bhd. installing and setting the new scanner.
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