Hadis dari Aisyah bahawa Rasulullah SAW apabila menziarahi orang sakit atau orang yang menderita sakit itu didatangkan kepada baginda SAW, Baginda mengucapkan (doa yang bermaksud): "Hilangkan penyakit ini, wahai Tuhan bagi manusia, sembuhkanlah, Engkau adalah Maha Penyembuh. Tidak ada kesembuhan selain kesembuhan-Mu, kesembuhan yang tidak meninggalkan penyakit." (Riwayat al-Bukhari dalam Fathul-Bari No.5675).

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Gambar Klinik Sulaiman Raub

Klinik Sulaiman Raub, 
No. 25, Jalan Dato' Abdullah, 27600 Raub,
Pahang Darulmakmur.
Tel: 09 3553850.

Pandangan depan dari jalan Dato' Abdullah
Stickers panel clinic TNB Healthcare 
Kaunter Pendaftaran
Ruangan pesakit menunggu
Bahagian ubat
Tempat mengambil ubat
Doktor ? ADA
Bilik doktor, ruangan konsultasi
Ultra-Sound scanner,  Samsung Medison SonoAce R7, 2D, 3D/4D . Scan  ante-natal (ibu mengandung), batu karang buah pinggang/pundi  kencing, batu hempedu, ovarian cysts, fibroid,  dll.
Kelengkapan / alat perubatan.
dari belakang:  Suction Pump (Medi-pump 1132B), Aerosol nebulizer (Farmasol, CA-MI), Pediatric weigh-scale (Baby-scale Nitia), Urine test (U-50 Uriscreener), Cholesterol test (Cardio Check P-A), Glucose test (GlucoSure AutoCode), Uric Acid test (MultiSure), Blood pressure set (Omron HEM-7280T), Infrared Thermometers, Mercurial Sphygmomanometer,  Littman Classic II Stereoscopes, a tray of minor operation tools (Hemostatic Forceps  -mosquito/curved, Sponge forceps, Surgical Scissors curved/strait,  Needle Holder, Suture Instruments, Ligature Needles, Kidney dishes),  ECG machine (TrisMed - Cardipia 200 12-lead ECG recording),  SpO2 patient monitor (TrisMed Vitapia 5000V). GIMA  sterilizer BF G15 - germicidal ultra-violet lamp.
Bilik Rawatan / minor operation / berkhatan / circumcision 

Peti sejuk untuk vaksin /cold-chain, Vaccines available - Typhim Vi (injection Typhoid - Food handlers), Nimenrix - meningococcal (injection Umrah). Juga menyimpan ubat titis mata dan alat UPT (urine pregnnacy test). Suhu peti sejuk dicatat 2 kali sehari (pagi dan petang) mengunakan digital thermometer.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

COVID-19: Staying Safe in General Practice – Air Circulation

The aircon should be blowing from the doctor towards the patient (Figures 1 and 2). This will reduce the risk of exposure. Further, it is also recommended that the doctor attending to a patient in a GP practice should wear surgical masks and a face shield. This is because in the GP practice, there is usually no triage counter and all patients should be treated as suspected COVID19 patients. If the doctor is performing an Aerosol Generating Procedure, then an N95 mask should be worn instead of the surgical mask.
Figure 1:  Doctor sitting with his back towards the aircon blower.

I just open the door of consultation room to let the air flow out, and I can see the waiting patient outside. I only close the door when doing Ultra Sound of ante-natal patient, and do it quickly not more than 10 minutes.
Figure 2:  Doctor standing with her back towards the aircon blower

The two pictures of clinic arrangement above, and the first paragraph text by: -

Dr Victor Hoe , Professor of Occupational and Environmental Health, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya.
10 May 2020
LINK >>> https://spm.um.edu.my/2020/05/10/covid-19-staying-safe-in-general-practice-air-circulation/

[article reproduce without permission  ;)]

KLINIK SULAIMAN RAUB™ © ,CopyRight @ Dr.Redzlan Abdul Rahman - All Rights Reserved.